Rockstar Rumble, Round 2, Posts 25-32

Here are the latest games in the second round of the 2019 Rockstar Rumble. We've listed each "game" (one post versus another) along with wording provided by the author when the post was submitted. Also listed is a keyword after each post title to make it easy to vote. Be sure to vote for your favorites since you will help determine the winner! Criteria for the best article is what makes Rockstar content which includes these factors:

  • Starts with an interesting title
  • Includes unique content — we like posts that are edgy, feisty, funny, failure-focused, and super helpful
  • Easy to read
  • Positive/uplifting (vs. negative)

The voting will run for 48 hours. At that point, a winner will be named and will advance. You can follow the results in the brackets here. Please note, there is ONE VOTE PER PERSON. To be sure you see all games, click on the Rumble category link and scroll down. If you like great posts like these featured, you can subscribe to the Rockstar Finance weekday email and get the best personal finance articles delivered to your inbox. Today's games are brought to you by the great new book from Grant Sabatier: Financial Freedom: A Proven Path to All the Money You Will Ever Need. Here are today's games: GAME 13

  • Why You’re Not Rich Yet (Or may never be) (Never) -- The definition is different for everyone, but the theme is common in most people I interact with. They WANT to be rich or at least have all the things they associate with wealth. Few actually figure it out. If you’re curious why you’re not rich yet, maybe one of these reasons apply to you.


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  • 4 Lies Money Gurus Tell You (Gurus) -- Money gurus tell you to live on a budget, eat beans & rice, and cut up your credit card in order to win with your finances. But what if they're lying to you? What if you CAN enjoy the journey on your way to money success? Here are four lies most money gurus tell you, and the real truth of the matter!


  • Earn Less, Worth Less? (Less) -- After quitting my full time job to redesign my life, I began to question my worth and my purpose. I felt like I had stopped making meaningful contributions to my household and to the world. I suddenly didn't know who I was since I was no longer a "worker bee". This post is about discovering an identity outside of earning money. While there have been some changes in my life since the post was written, I hope that it helps someone who may be grappling with similar feelings.

[poll id="210"] GAME 15

  • When is a Dollar Not a Dollar (Dollar) -- This post is perfect to encourage more people to invest. It is simple to read, and effectively outlines the key concepts of investing, compound interest and inflation. Anyone who is not investing needs to read this. And anyone who is investing needs this as a reminder. 


[poll id="211"] GAME 16

  • What If Your Kids Had Their Retirement Funded Before They Finish High School? (Funded) -- With so many people struggling to save enough for retirement, wouldn't it be amazing if your kids got their retirement funded before they even finish high school? That crazy-sounding goal is well within reach for a lot of kids. If they will set aside a healthy portion of the money they receive for their birthdays, holidays, allowances, etc., and if they invest that money aggressively, they could have their retirement handled by the time they're 16 and never have to add another dollar to their account after that.


  • Block Out Your Finances (Block) -- Mr. JumpStart's simple method to visualize your financial picture. Earnings, assets, and debts are scaled in a way that clearly displays your current situation, making it easy to examine progress.

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